
This American war is between the peoples of Bible and Marxist moralities

This American war is between the peoples of Bible and Marxist moralities.

Image result for George Washington's Face. Size: 191 x 137. Source: www.govexec.comImage result for Joe Biden. Size: 279 x 137. Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

We are doomed if we do not realize that nowadays civil war is not a war between Conservatives and Liberals, or between Leftists and Rightists, or between Whites and Blacks, or between Republicans and Democrats, or between the Religious and Secular, or between Tolerance and Intolerance – that is a war between the people of Bible morality and the people of Marxist morality.

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The people of Bible morality

These people do not measure their standing in this world by the level of their material wealth. They measure their standing by how close they live to the God’s morality guidance encapsulated in the Ten Commandment – see the link

Understanding the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV) – Intellectual Judaism – it is about Judeo-Christian morality of the Nation! (intellectualjudaismjewishidentityincontemporaryjudeochristian.world)

The people of Bible morality are creating their material wealth in support of their morality standing in mutually beneficial cooperation with the others. They do it with clear understanding that the size of individual wealth would be different depending on many unique individual characteristics. The unfortunate who are not able to create enough individual wealth to support themselves are helped by the family and community (Mitzvah /Charity).

The people of Bible morality elect a government with the primary task of defending the national Bible-guided morality of individual freedoms from the enemies foreign and domestic.

The people of the Marxist morality

The people of Marxist morality (in the historic past, it was the Pagan morality) measure their standing in this world by the level of their material wealth. They measure their standing by how their own material wealth is close to the wealth of the others.

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The people of Marxist morality believe that if the wealth of somebody in the nation is much greater than their own wealth, this somebody made his wealth by deceiving/robbing the others. And if it is so, they – the people of Marxist morality – must go to domestic wars to return the “robbed” – see the link

The Communist Manifesto | Summary, Quotations, & Facts | Britannica

The people of the Marxist morality elect the government with the primary task to do it under the name of “redistributing the wealth” (from those who made it to those who want it).

The peoples of Bible and Marxist moralities are fighting each other – there is no common morality foundation for them that would let them live peacefully together

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That means that if the people of Marxist morality win the elections and form the national government, this government will suppress the people of Bible morality by forcing them to live by the anti-Biblical rules of moral behavior. The people of Bible morality would have no choice but rebellion.

When the people of Bible morality win the elections and form the national government, this government would make angry the people of Marxist morality, and they will rebel as well.

And that is what we have now in America. When the Republican Party wins, and this party represents (more or less) the people of Bible morality, the people of Marxist morality rebel. When the Democratic Party wins, and this party represents the people of Marxist morality, the people of Bible morality rebel.

Out of the two mentioned national election outcomes, the victory of the people of Marxist morality is much more harmful for the nation.

It is so because the government of the people of Marxist morality forces the people of Bible morality to betray the very reason of their existence (the Faith). When the government of the people of Bible morality is in power, it forces the people of Marxist morality just slowly, step-by-step, to begin creating their own wealth more by their own labors and less by getting the “government freebies” (no betrayal of the Faith whatever it might be).

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Published by Vladimir Minkov

Vladimir Minkov Ph.D. is a nuclear scientist, published author and writer. He is the co-author of "Nuclear Shadow Boxing", a scientific history of the nuclear confrontation between the Soviet Union and USA during the cold war and is the author of many books on the Jewish identity in the Judeo-Christian civilization. Having lost much of his family in the Holocaust and finding his search for spiritual development stifled in the Soviet Union, Vladimir migrated to the United States in the late 1970s. Here in the USA Vladimir work as a scientist on various peaceful applications of nuclear energy together with American and Soviet/Russian scientist. After his retirement, he concentrated his efforts on the study of the morality of the Judeo-Christian Western Civilization connecting the morality of public life with the morality of religious life with the emphasis on the USA and the State of Israel.

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