
How to handle Islamic assault on Jews, Israel and Judeo-Christian world

The Judeo-Christian world, and Israel is a founding member of this world, has recognized the danger of Islamic spiritual and physical assault on its very foundation. The Judeo-Christian world is trying to find the best way of handling the assault. Among the ways being tested are such as Support Secularism (France …) – here theContinue reading “How to handle Islamic assault on Jews, Israel and Judeo-Christian world”

The Big Government as a Torah-defined Evil

The Big Government is an EVIL since it enslaves us spiritually, and sometimes even physically. God led us from Slavery of the Pharaoh’s ancient Egypt to be Free People – the Big Government is leading us back to Slavery. One of the most divisive questions in preserving Jewish Unity is how we have to treatContinue reading “The Big Government as a Torah-defined Evil”