
Spiritually Jewish and non-Jewish Globalization

Is the globalization a Jewish Torah-guided idea? The answer is YES or NO depending on how the very idea of globalization is defined. The answer is YES if the very idea of globalization is to let each participant in a globalization union enhance its unique way of life using advanced achievements of the others inContinue reading “Spiritually Jewish and non-Jewish Globalization”

Non-rabbinic intellectual understanding of the importance of God

The concept of Supreme Power over us the humans called God is vital for our human wellbeing. It is vital even for those who call themselves atheists. It is vital mainly not for the purpose of praying to God and asking for guidance and favors but most importantly for accepting God as the unchallenged sourceContinue reading “Non-rabbinic intellectual understanding of the importance of God”

The Western Wall impasse as an indication of what is wrong with our religious leaders

When I visit the Western Wall for prayers and inspiration, I always observe here Jews, and even non-Jews, of different “colors” – in completely white/black uniforms and in just colorful t-shorts – trying to find here the meaning of their individual lives. Everything looks peaceful and inspiring. Then I read in the news media: ClashContinue reading “The Western Wall impasse as an indication of what is wrong with our religious leaders”

Rabbis are teachers of the Jewish law – not of the faith

Finally, I have understood why the rabbis are hesitant, or sometimes even afraid, to discuss how individual Jews may feel or sense their own Jewish faith. That is so because the rabbis are teachers of the Jewish law (including traditions and rituals) – not of the faith. The faith is a strong belief or trustContinue reading “Rabbis are teachers of the Jewish law – not of the faith”

Who decides you are Jewish – a neighbor, a rabbi or you yourself?

Who decides you are Jewish – a neighbor, a rabbi or you yourself? With all non-Jewish faiths and ethnicities, their definition is based on how somebody defines him/her-self. If somebody says, I am a Catholic, or an Assyrian, or a Russian, or an atheist … the others accept it without any doubt. With the Jews,Continue reading “Who decides you are Jewish – a neighbor, a rabbi or you yourself?”