Spiritually Jewish and non-Jewish Globalization

Is the globalization a Jewish Torah-guided idea? The answer is YES or NO depending on how the very idea of globalization is defined.

The answer is YES if the very idea of globalization is to let each participant in a globalization union enhance its unique way of life using advanced achievements of the others in the union. In a globalization union, countries with different historic traditions and political systems peacefully compete with each other – based on a set of mutually accepted rules of engagement that allows each competing country to preserve its own way of life. Such globalization creates favorable conditions for the Jewish people to demonstrate, in cooperation with the Judeo-Christian communities, great spiritual and material benefits of the Torah/Bible-guided way of building a better world for everybody. Such globalization is spiritually Jewish.

Contemporary examples of the spiritually Jewish globalization are a young USA, a young UN, and a young EU. A young USA was globalizing by imposing the US global-federal rules on all US states-participants. Those rules were minimal and did not inhibit each state in the union from preserving and enhancing its unique way of life. The leadership of a young UN and a young EU did not impose on their states-participants any severe rules, which might suppress their unique ways of life as well.

The answer is NO if the very idea of globalization is a political arrangement aimed at forcing countries and peoples with different historic traditions and political systems to follow one set of rules imposed on them by the rulers of a “globalization empire”. If that is the case, the Jewish people and the State of Israel would suffer since the Jews would be forced to follow the globalization rules – not their tradition. Globalization defined this way is not spiritually Jewish.

The recent history has had many examples of spiritually non-Jewish globalization.

Hitler tried to globalize Europe by imposing on the countries of Europe the dictatorship of Nazi ideology. The Jews suffered enormously with the six millions slaughtered in Holocaust.

Stalin tried to globalize Europe and the world by imposing on many countries of Europe and the world the dictatorship of Communist ideology. Although some Jews were among the enforcers of this dictatorship, the Jewish people suffered enormously because their religion, spirituality and tradition were considered hostile to the regime and therefore suppressed.

Unfortunately, a nowadays USA, a nowadays UN, and a nowadays EU are examples of globalization that suppresses the unique traditions of their countries-participants.

This suppression is justified by nice-sounding politically correct slogans, which are conveying one basic message:

You, who are the majority in your country and who have created your own unique spiritual realm in your country for your people, have to reduce your spiritual realm to create a spiritual space for not your and may be hostile to your spirituality. We the Government (of the USA, of UN, of EU) are going to move into this space the people of not-your spirituality and traditions. We the Government understand that you may feel uncomfortable and even depressed because of many things such as increased crime and poverty, more hostile traditions around you, and less respect for your Judeo-Christian tradition. However, and that is what we the Government are not going to tell you, we need all that to get more political and financial power for us the Government – at the cost of your way of life.

That is what is going on these days in Europe and America, and we have to be prepared to vote this year for those who understand our profound concerns and ready to defend our Jewish, Christian and Judeo-Christian spiritual realm.

By the way, the current blacks-against-whites rebellion in the USA is the result of this “non-Jewish” internal US globalization: the mighty US government is forcing some citizens who are happened to be racially black to follow “globalization rules” which are foreign to them. This rebellion has nothing to do with race relations. Those blacks who are guided in their lives by American-type Judeo-Christian moral rules, and there are many of them, live happily in America. The rebels are those, and there are many of them as well, who hate the American-type Judeo-Christian moral rules. Unfortunately, politically correct politicians are afraid of recognizing this, or using this to their advantage.

Published by Vladimir Minkov

Vladimir Minkov Ph.D. is a nuclear scientist, published author and writer. He is the co-author of "Nuclear Shadow Boxing", a scientific history of the nuclear confrontation between the Soviet Union and USA during the cold war and is the author of many books on the Jewish identity in the Judeo-Christian civilization. Having lost much of his family in the Holocaust and finding his search for spiritual development stifled in the Soviet Union, Vladimir migrated to the United States in the late 1970s. Here in the USA Vladimir work as a scientist on various peaceful applications of nuclear energy together with American and Soviet/Russian scientist. After his retirement, he concentrated his efforts on the study of the morality of the Judeo-Christian Western Civilization connecting the morality of public life with the morality of religious life with the emphasis on the USA and the State of Israel.

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