
Update December 2012 – The Satanic New World Order of Obama

On November 16, 2012, I posted in this blog an article entitled “The Satanic New World Order of Obama” – http://intellectual0judaism0really.com/2012/11/17/the-satanic-new-world-order-of-obama/

The article provided my assessment of the Obama’s world vision and of his work on implementation of his vision. The article made the following major points:

  • Obama is an extremely gifted and determined leader. The hated-by-many outcomes of his policies are precisely what he is trying to achieve – not the result of his poor and inexperienced leadership.
  • What he is trying to achieve is a new world order where an UN-based world authoritarian government will impose on all countries, all peoples and all individuals a sort of Islamo-Marxist “social justice”.
  • In accordance with this “social justice”, a UN-based world authoritarian government will forcefully take the wealth accumulated by prosperous countries, peoples and individuals and redistribute it to poor countries, peoples and individuals, with all available tools of forceful redistribution – world-wide mandatory laws in all areas of wealth creation – the laws in social, labor, health, environment, immigration, education areas.
  • Since the Obama’s new world order is based on the anti-Judeo-Christian principles, it deserves to be counted in the satanic class of events.
  • There are major obstacles on the road to implementation of the Obama’s Islamo-Marxist world-wide “social justice”. They, as described in the article, are:
    •  The spiritual power of Judeo-Christian moral principles. One has to denigrate the Judeo-Christian spirituality and its moral codification in the Ten Commandments as something too extreme and outdated and not suitable for governing a contemporary nation and the entire world. To do this you have to begin with denigration of the originators of this spirituality, the Jewish people and their spiritual heart, the state of Israel.
    • The spiritual unity of the people which encourages looking for a common ground for peaceful coexistence. One has to split a nation and the world into numerous feuding factions that would be unable or unwilling to find a compromise for peaceful coexistence. One would have to present himself as a savior to the dissatisfied who would lead them to defeat all other groups in that society.
    • The inequality of material wellbeing between so-called rich and so-called poor.  Somebody in power should confiscate the assets of society’s wealthy groups and redistribute this wealth among underprivileged groups – for now, these underprivileged groups would be satisfied and give their leader unconditional support.
    • The constitutional separation of powers preventing an establishment of authoritative government. Somebody would have to establish a dictatorial government to preserve and reinforce one’s power as a human god over the citizens/slaves of society.  That is the end – a satanic new world order is established.

The past-month advances in moving toward the new world order of Obama are impressive and they are described below in the words of many publications of the month.  

(1)  Obama covertly encourages EU leaders to present the Israel’s decision on building new homes in Jerusalem as something foreign to the goal of the Middle-East peace. It looks like Obama is trying to delegalize the state of Jerusalem as the eternal spiritual capital of the Jewish people and the physical capital of the state of Israel. 

Building in Jerusalem: A Strategic Imperative

by Prof. Efraim Inbar

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 190, December 5, 2012

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Despite mounting international pressure, Israel must follow up on its recent declaration to build in and around Jerusalem, particularly in Area E1, which connects the capital to the settlement of Maaleh Adumim. Creating continuous Jewish settlement in that area is necessary to enable Israel to have secure access to the strategic Jordan Valley. …

More: http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives190.pdf


‘I don’t know of any city in the world whose regulator is the US president’

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat says building in E1 area near Jerusalem is Israel’s right • Construction in E1 could forge a territorial link between the capital and the Maaleh Adumim settlement • Industry officials warn government not to take Britain’s threat of a trade boycott lightly. …

More: http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=6613


Sources: US behind European protest measures – Israeli officials with ties to US administration say Washington gave Europe green light to summon Israeli ambassadors over settlement construction. Australia also calls ambassador to protest move.

Attila Somfalvi

Published: 12.04.12 Israel News

The United States was behind the summoning of Israeli ambassadors by several European nations, Israeli sources with close ties to US administration officials said Monday.

“The European move is essentially an American move,” one official said. “The Brits asked the Americans how to act.” The Foreign Ministry fears Europe will take further punitive steps against Israe over its decision to advance construction in the E1 area between Ma’ale Adumim and Jerusalem.

More: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,l-4315225,00.html


(2)     Below is a BBC information on Obama’s trip to Burma. It confirms one of my points: the next four years of his presidency Obama is going to use for getting support of the “underprivileged” foreign countries for his New World Order to become in four years or so the authoritative leader of the world under the helm of the UN. In the meantime the decline of his own country will continue.

US President Barack Obama in South East Asia visit – Barack Obama wants to refocus his foreign policy on Asia

Barack Obama has begun a tour of South East Asia, which will include a historic visit to Burma.

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20261408


(3)  The paper below by Tim Powers confirms: US brave generals who were guardians of the supreme US military power are being removed and replaced by “politically correct” generals who are not serving the USA – the new generals are helping Obama to create the Obama’s New World Order.

Where Have All Of Our Generals Gone?


It is stunning to me that over the course of the past four years, our military generals are being eliminated for one reason or another. This ongoing list includes:

Gen. David Patraeus

Gen. William Ward

Gen. David Mc Kiernan

Gen. Stanley Mc Crystal

Gen. Carter F. Hamm

Well, there is five right off the bat.  What do these brave men all have in common? They have all served under the Obama regime and have all been either fired, forced to resign, or forced to retire for one reason or another.

Knowing that these men all have held top positions in the military, and that they would have the means to remove an ineligible President by force if necessary, is it possible that the Obama regime wanted these potential threats out of the way in preparation for any future policy decisions that he may be planning to make?

More: http://beforeitsnews.com/military/2012/11/where-have-all-of-our-generals-gone-2447046.html


(4)  A crucial part of developing a “Satanic New World Order” is a government-managed educational system that teaches the kids from the kindergarten to the college to follow the government (satanic, pagan) orders and disregard the Judeo-Christian moral teachings of your parents, your church/synagogue and your traditional community. And the post below is a reminder of how all that started long ago.

America’s Marxist Educational Model Wins Elections

Posted on November 19, 2012 by Gary DeMar

As far back as I can remember I’ve heard the often repeated phrase, “As the twig is bent so grows the tree.” I later learned that the phrase’s origin can be traced back to Alexander Pope in his Epistle to Cobham (1734):‘Tis Education forms the vulgar mind; Juft as the Twig is bent, the Tree’s inclin’d.

America’s earliest founders understood this. After first establishing houses and places of worship, they next began to attend to education. Harvard was established in 1636. The Massachusetts School Law of 1642 and the Massachusetts General School Law of 1647, better known as the Old Deluder Satan Act, were designed to insure that future generations would follow the old ways.

The biggest mistake these well-intentioned colonists made was to put education in the hands of government officials. In time, the schools were co-opted by people who understood the political power that could be wielded if education could be financed by taxpayers and controlled by the State. Liberals are all about time and persistence. That’s why they’re winning.

We’ve seen it happen before but under more revolutionary conditions.

The Marxist worldview, as put forth by Vladimir Lenin, worked for the centralization and State control of education. Under Communism homes and schools were to reflect and perpetuate the agenda of the State. …

More: http://politicaloutcast.com/2012/11/americas-marxist-educational-model-wins-elections/#ixzz2CgVoxk96


(5)  The article below by Daniel Greenfield confirms one more statement made in my post “The Satanic New World Order of Obama”, and this statement is that Obama’s strategy decisions are aimed at reducing the spiritual/moral power of Israel as the God’s creator of Judeo-Christian moral principles.

Obama’s Gaza War

Daniel Greenfield – FrontPage Magazine,  November 19th, 2012

The rockets falling on Israel have their origin not just in their Gaza launchers, but in the election results of November. It is no coincidence that the explosions we are seeing now on the evening news began after the election.  Like so many in the Middle East, Hamas leaders were holding their breath to see who they would have to deal with over the next four years.

Once the Muslim Brotherhood on both sides of the border, in Egypt and in Gaza, knew the outcome, the trigger was pressed and the violence began.

Meanwhile Obama, during his Thailand visit, tried to deny that the Hamas violence had anything to do with the Arab Spring, the shift that began with his infamous Cairo speech calling for democracy in Egypt, followed by the betrayal of Mubarak, which led to the Muslim Brotherhood taking control of Egypt through elections, as they had earlier taken control of Gaza through elections.

The Arab Spring transformed Egypt from a peace partner into an enemy and transformed Hamas from the finger of a distant Iran to the arm of a nearby Islamist Egypt. The visit by Qatar’s Emir Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani to Gaza signaled that Hamas now had the full support of the sugar daddy of Sunni Islamists and the architect of the Arab Spring. A few weeks later the war was on.

(6)  In this publication I have found that Obama has been quietly building the UN as the foundation for a New World Order and a world-wide authoritarian government from the very beginning. And he has been doing that either through his ambassador to the UN or through many other “underprivileged” countries eager to see the US world power diminished. And here is this publication:


Those who follow Glenn Beck might be aware that Tuesday marks the release of his latest book, “Agenda 21,” the suspenseful and perhaps sobering tale of a futuristic America in which a UN-led program spawned an authoritarian state where individuals are stripped of all personal rights and freedoms.

Oddly, Beck’s novel is not simply a work of fiction, but based on an actual program created by the United Nations by the very same name — “Agenda 21″ — which, according to the UN’s own website, is a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, governments and major groups, in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”

In so many words, the United Nations seeks to co-opt, via individual governments, and eventually, a “one-world government,” privately held land under the auspices of ensuring its “sustainability.” Worse still, the UN’s Agenda 21 has even laid out plans for “depopulation” or rather, “population control.” If it sounds like something out of George Orwell’s 1984, that is because Agenda 21′s tenets are eerily in line with the demented alternate reality Orwell himself had imagined while scribing the pages of his famed novel.

More: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/what-is-agenda-21-after-watching-this-you-may-not-want-to-know/


(7)  Yes, the Obama administration may be trying to use the al-Qaida terror attacks on U.S. operations in Benghazi, Libya, to advance a growing global movement to protect Islam from criticism, according to one expert.


Analyst says impromptu Obama decision twisted terror attack details


Taylor Rose is a Washington, D.C., staff reporter for WND.

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration may be trying to use the al-Qaida terror attacks on U.S. operations in Benghazi, Libya, to advance a growing global movement to protect Islam from criticism, according to one expert.

The issue is the “defamation of religions” resolution pending at the United Nations.  It was introduced by Islamic nations and coalitions to criminalize any negative reference to Islam or Muslims.

Clare Lopez, a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on the Middle East, national defense, WMD, and counterterrorism, said that after the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, the Obama administration made an impromptu decision to advance the Islamic agenda item it already had endorsed.

“The Obama administration, and especially the Department of State led by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are coordinating closely with the [Organization of the Islamic Conference] to achieve implementation of U.N. Human Rights Commission Resolution 16/18, which despite some cosmetic wording changes, remains the vehicle through which the OIC is determined to work toward the criminalization of the criticism of Islam in U.S. law,” she said. …

More: http://www.wnd.com/2012/12/benghazi-bungle-an-attempt-to-advance-islam/#3rtLjoCyMLk5CgBV.99


(8)  It looks like Obama has made an agreement with Moslem Brotherhood’s Morsi about preventing Israel from achieving a decisive victory over Hamas in Gaza. This agreement allowed Obama to present Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood plus Hamas as the winners in the latest Gaza-Israel confrontation. … And Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood were rewarded by Obama by 20 modern F-16 fighters.

 US Sends Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi 20 F-16 Warplanes

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Egypt’s increasingly unstable Muslim Brotherhood regime, voted into power on an anti-US and anti-Israel platform, is about to receive 20 F-16 fighters jets despite calls to suspend arms sales to Cairo, Fox News reported Tuesday.
The jets were ordered by deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and the Muslim Brotherhood is about to take over the inheritance.
Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, swept into power earlier this year on an Islamic campaign that promised reforms, has turned the Arab Spring revolution on its end by trying to usurp power. He has deployed armed soldiers and police to quell angry riots that have raised fears of a repeat of the violent suppression of anti-Mubarak protesters nearly two years ago.
Despite the instability, the United States is going ahead with the delivery of the F-16 jets, part of a two-year-old order for the planes.

More: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/163047


The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

and Its True Intentions Towards Israel

by Dr. Liad Porat

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 192, December 10, 2012

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: When speaking to the Western world, the Egyptian

government led by the Muslim Brotherhood preaches its commitment to  the

peace treaty with Israel. To its own countrymen, however, the Brotherhood,

led by President Mohamed Morsi, has made no secret of its desire to cancel the

treaty. The Brotherhood sees Israel as a strategic threat and has aggressively

lobbied Morsi to  strengthen Egyptian military presence in Sinai. While a

military conflict with Egypt is not likely in the near future, the anti-Israel

rhetoric emanating from senior Brotherhood leaders must be taken seriously.

More: http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives192.pdf


Published by Vladimir Minkov

Vladimir Minkov Ph.D. is a nuclear scientist, published author and writer. He is the co-author of "Nuclear Shadow Boxing", a scientific history of the nuclear confrontation between the Soviet Union and USA during the cold war and is the author of many books on the Jewish identity in the Judeo-Christian civilization. Having lost much of his family in the Holocaust and finding his search for spiritual development stifled in the Soviet Union, Vladimir migrated to the United States in the late 1970s. Here in the USA Vladimir work as a scientist on various peaceful applications of nuclear energy together with American and Soviet/Russian scientist. After his retirement, he concentrated his efforts on the study of the morality of the Judeo-Christian Western Civilization connecting the morality of public life with the morality of religious life with the emphasis on the USA and the State of Israel.

4 thoughts on “Update December 2012 – The Satanic New World Order of Obama

  1. ‘Israel and 1938 Czechoslovakia are similar’
    12/14/2012 07:42
    In interview following ‘Post’ Conference, Czech ambassador warns against relying too much on international community.
    Czech Ambassador Tomas Pojar was in the hall attendingThe Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in Herzliya on Wednesday when Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman made an example of his country, saying Israel was not about to become “the second Czechoslovakia.”
    “All expressions and promises of commitment to Israel’s security from all around the world remind me of similar commitments made to Czechoslovakia [in 1938], and the pressure made on the Czech president to partition the Sudetenland,” Liberman said. “After all the promises and guarantees that were provided, Nazi Germany occupied all of Czechoslovakia, bringing an end to its existence.”
    No, he said, because the situation in 1938 in Central Europe, and in the world, was drastically different than the situation today. “The parallels are interesting, but it is not as if you can easily implement the lessons from one situation onto another, a century or half-century later.”
    But still, he said, there are similarities.
    “There are certain parallels in that Czechoslovakia was the only democratic country in the entire region at the time,” he said. “There are parallels about how much guarantees you can get from outside, and how much you should rely on them.”
    Pojar said that in addition to his country’s tragic experiences during World War II, it also had experiences under communism.
    All this had embedded in the Czechs’ “natural skepticism,” and a disinclination to believe in immediate “grandiose ideas and miraculous solutions.”
    “We are the most atheistic, non-religious nation in Europe, if not in the entire world,” he asserted. “We don’t believe in miracles, and we don’t believe in political miracles and the solutions of ideologies that [posit that] something can be easily implemented and solved.”
    Pojar said the Czechs realize “there are huge differences between war and peace. It is not only either war or peace… Even some interim solutions are sometimes better than crumbled expectations because of grandiose ideas.”
    The ambassador said one of the lessons the Czech Republic learned from its past is that “we strongly believe that solutions cannot be imposed from the outside, because they do not work.”
    That firm belief is one of the reasons why the Czech Republic, alone among the 27 EU countries, voted with Israel and seven other countries at the UN on November 29 against upgrading the Palestinian status at the UN to that of nonmember state observer.
    That vote, and strong Czech- Israeli ties, makes it a good time to be Prague’s envoy to Israel, he acknowledged. He said that following the vote he received numerous letters, emails and phone messages from Israelis thanking his country for its support, with a few people calling the embassy and saying they now were going to buy Czech-made Skoda cars.
    In another incident, the partner of an employee at the Czech Embassy received free dental work following the UN vote. “He wanted to pay, but they said no, this time it is for free,” Pojar said.
    The Czech vote, said Pojar, could be explained on two levels.
    On the first level, he said the Czech Republic has made clear it does not support unilateral steps by either side.
    “We strongly feel that the only way to achieve peace here is through bilateral direct negotiations. We know this from our past in negotiating with the Slovaks,” he said, referring to the negotiations with the Slovaks that led to the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and the establishment of a separate Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. “I’m not saying this is the same situation, but we know the solution can’t be imposed on the outside but must be negotiated on the ground.”
    And the second level has to do with a century of Jewish- Czech relations dating back to Tomas Masaryk, the founder and first president of Czechoslovakia, who was the first statesmen to visit the Yishuv; to 1948 when Czechoslovakia provided Israel with arms during the War of Independence; and to former president Vaclav Havel who was the first president of a former Iron Curtain country to visit Israel, doing so in April 1990.
    The UN vote, the ambassador said, was in line with “a tradition of very close links between the Czechs and the Jewish people, and between the Czech Republic and Israel.”
    Pojar, whose father served as Czechoslovakia’s first ambassador here from 1990 to 1994, dismissed the notion that Prague, with its vote at the UN, somehow stood up against the rest of the EU. He said that the Czech Republic would have preferred had there been a consensus EU opinion on the matter, and would even HAVE abstained if the entire EU bloc did so. “It is not the Czech Republic that broke the consensus,” he said.
    Fourteen EU countries voted for the Palestinian resolution, 12 abstained and only Prague voted against. The consensus crumbled when France declared it would vote for the resolution.
    Pojar said this vote has not hurt his country’s standing inside the EU, and that “no one was surprised at our vote.” He also said the position had “wide popular support among the Czech people.
    “It is definitely not something that can hurt the [Czech] government, because this is not the major issue that people vote on,” he said. “Our decision was not domestically driven one way or the other.”
    Regarding the statement issued on Monday after a meeting of the EU’s 27 foreign ministers that earned Jerusalem’s wrath because of its harsh condemnation of Israeli settlement plans, but a tepid denouncement of Hamas’s pledge to destroy Israel, Pojar said, “If the statement was written in Prague, it would have been written differently.”
    He said that what was important in these types of declarations was not necessarily the exact wording, but rather the balance, or lack of balance, in the statements. He pointed to the clause in Monday’s EU statement dealing with Gaza, which called for the “immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of crossings” of goods and people from the Gaza Strip, saying that while the crossings were an important issue, they were not the main problem in the Strip.
    “The main problem [in Gaza] is that it is ruled by a terrorist organization, a totalitarian organization with totalitarian views,” Pojar said. “The real problem of Gaza, and the security and prosperity and freedom of its people, is the regime in Gaza – not the crossings.”
    Asked if Europe takes Hamas’s statements calling for the destruction of Israel seriously enough, he said he could not speak about the EU, but that he did not feel the “mainstream European elites” did so. The elites, he said, were “sometimes detached from reality, and not only about the Middle East, not only about Islamists, but also about the economic situation.”

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