
The White spiritual majority in US and Israel – does it exist, and if it does, what for?

In a recent column in The Washington Post, “Stop laughing at Donald Trump,” a liberal analyst from the Brookings Institution tries to warn the Washington, D.C. beltway elites that they should take the businessman seriously because he has figured out how to win a national election—by taking the white vote. Trump has realized the WhiteContinue reading “The White spiritual majority in US and Israel – does it exist, and if it does, what for?”

What might be a genetic (God’s) reason for some Jews to leave their Chosen tribe or bring somebody in | Vladimir Minkov | The Blogs | The Times of Israel

What might be a genetic (God’s) reason for some Jews to leave their Chosen tribe or bring somebody in | Vladimir Minkov | The Blogs | The Times of Israel.

God, Religion, Jews and Christians – what is common in all that from Jewish Intellectual perspective. Part 2 – the World of God.

The world of God had been created by God Himself in the Torah-described Six Days of Creation with Adam and Eve as the first humans. There was no Religion that time – no Jews, no Christians, no other religionists. All people who were descendants of Adam and Eve were as we would say these daysContinue reading “God, Religion, Jews and Christians – what is common in all that from Jewish Intellectual perspective. Part 2 – the World of God.”

Economic decline of USA is rooted in country’s spiritual decline

That’s true – the economic decline of the USA is rooted in our spiritual decline. And our spiritual decline is evident from the facts described in my paper “How One Must Understand the Separation of the Church from the State – both According to the U.S. Constitution and According to the Torah” at http://intellectual0judaism0really.com/2013/01/02/how-one-must-understand-the-separation-of-the-church-from-the-state-both-according-to-the-u-s-constitution-and-according-to-the-torah/ TheContinue reading “Economic decline of USA is rooted in country’s spiritual decline”

Judeo-Christian spiritual unity: the Soloveichik who loved Jesus

I have written many papers on the Ten Commandments and the Torah in general as the mutual spiritual foundation of Judaism and Christianity. And I pointed out that we the Jews shall consider the Christianity as a result of our “Chosen mission” efforts aimed at helping non-Jews to understand the Torah and live in accordanceContinue reading “Judeo-Christian spiritual unity: the Soloveichik who loved Jesus”