
How to figure out what is the Putin’s world strategy

The article “Putin the Improviser” in Wall Street Journal is analyzing the attempts to figure out what is the Putin’s strategy in Ukraine – see at


The article describes this in the following way:

“After this week’s devastating military setbacks for the Ukrainian government, Western observers are trying urgently to get inside the head of Vladimir Putin. But the practitioners of this burgeoning cottage industry—call it Putinology—are missing one essential point: Mr. Putin has largely been improvising his way through the current crisis. That means that the Ukraine showdown is even scarier and more dangerous than you think: Mr. Putin is making it up as he goes along.

The Russian leader has routinely experimented with (and quickly jettisoned) any number of concepts, strategies and approaches, all in the name of gaining short-term advantage. Mr. Putin may be living “in another world,” as German Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly suggested to President Barack Obama—but in our world, which Mr. Putin is busily remaking, he seems to think that keeping his opponents guessing and off-balance is an end in itself.

In opinion columns and books, the Putinologists have been struggling to explain the thinking of the man who, almost single-handedly, seems to be dragging much of the West into a new Cold War. Like their Kremlinologist forebears, they try to decode Moscow’s intentions through painstaking analyses of the Russian leader’s every public utterance or symbol-laden photo op; they comb through minute aspects of Mr. Putin’s career and private life; they sift for clues in the output of Russia’s sprawling state propaganda apparatus. A lucky few even get invited to come to Russia once a year to sit down over elegant meals with the man himself and other mandarins and courtiers who spin them on how things really look from Moscow.”

That’s true – that is the way how the Punitologists are trying to figure out what are Putin’s intentions.

However, it is difficult, or even almost impossible, to figure out the Putin’s world strategy by analyzing his tactical movements on Ukraine or somewhere else.

It is much easier if the analysis is based on the Russian history and true spiritual aspirations.Continue reading “How to figure out what is the Putin’s world strategy”

Spiritual friends USA and Israel – spiritual adversaries Obama and Netanyahu

A most common conclusion in public discussions on USA vs. Israel and Obama vs. Netanyahu can be described as:

  • USA is friendly with Israel since Israel is a great strategic asset for USA in the Middle East
  • Obama is unfriendly with Netanyahu since Netanyahu is not supporting Obama’s peace-making Middle-East strategies.

Yes, that is true. Israel is a great strategic asset of USA in the Middle East, and Netanyahu is not supporting the Obama’s Middle East strategies. However, the real reasons for friendship between USA and Israel and for animosity between Obama and Netanyahu are of different, more profound nature.Continue reading “Spiritual friends USA and Israel – spiritual adversaries Obama and Netanyahu”

The true Judaism has to breed Jews from the Far Left to the Far Right

Yes, that’s true – the true Judaism has to breed all varieties of Jews – from Far Left to Far Right.

There are two logical Torah-based reasons for the Jews to breed all varieties of Jews.Continue reading “The true Judaism has to breed Jews from the Far Left to the Far Right”

We have not yet learnt how to fight anti-Semitism

I have received a letter from World Jewish Congress President describing the menace of contemporary anti-Semitism and asking for monetary assistance in fighting this menace. In particular, the letter says:

“It’s with the greatest concern and urgency that I write to you today. I need your help to confront the growing crisis threatening the future of Jews in some European countries … and nowhere is this clearer than in France.

The shock and horror felt following the Jihadist terrorist attacks that took the lives of 17 people in Paris – that included four Jews targeted at a kosher market– served to shine a global spotlight on the crisis. But, sadly, France’s Jews have grown all too accustomed to such hate-fueled attacks.

Sadly, this latest attack is just the most recent in a disturbing trend. In 2012, a teacher and three school children were massacred at a Jewish school in Toulouse. And just this past summer, 200 congregants at the Don Abravanel synagogue in Paris were forced to barricade themselves as rioters, mainly Islamic radicals from North Africa armed with chairs, clubs and knives shouted Death to the Jews” and “Alla Akbar,” and attempted to break through.”

Of course I understand the contemporary menace of anti-Semitism and I am ready to provide a monetary assistance to help everybody to fight anti-Semitism. But I am trying to figure out how the money will be used, and why our great efforts in fighting anti-Semitism have not brought yet any tangible results.

Will the money be used for anti-anti-Semitic education and advertisement in Europe, for creating government anti-anti-Semitic laws, for organizing marches and conferences, for hiring more security guards for Jewish places? All those actions have not worked in the past.

Or, the money will be used for creating a sort of world-wide Judeo-Christian union where the Jews and the Christians would work together on defeating the contemporary anti-Semitism in all its forms – anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish, or anti-Israelis – at its source. It might work, if we correctly identify the source.

What is the source of contemporary anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attacks from which the attacks are originated? What is this source where anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attacks are aimed at undermining the entire Judeo-Christian Western Civilization? Continue reading “We have not yet learnt how to fight anti-Semitism”

Spiritual closeness of Jews and Christians – in the Testaments and in the Torah’s guidance

Discussions on spiritual closeness of Jews and Christians are not just a sort of traditional theoretical discussions where some participants may agree and some disagree. Those discussions are of very practical importance. Those discussions are bringing closer the Jews and the Christians, Judaism and Christianity. Those discussions are advancing the mission of the Jews as the Chosen to create a better world for everybody based on the Torah’s guidance. Those discussions are enhancing the Jewish-Christian collaboration in fighting anti-Semitism and Islamic assault on Western Judeo-Christian Civilization.
Continue reading “Spiritual closeness of Jews and Christians – in the Testaments and in the Torah’s guidance”