
Unbelievable but fact: Israel is leading the fight for saving the Bible-based Judeo-Christian civilization

Yes, it is hard to believe but the recent Obama-led strategic realignment of the world is a clear indication that Obama leads the world to the Koran-based spiritual realm away from the Bible-based Judeo-Christian civilization. About 80% of American citizens consider themselves Christians but do little to resist this realignment. The US Congress and someContinue reading “Unbelievable but fact: Israel is leading the fight for saving the Bible-based Judeo-Christian civilization”

The Jewish past is being reexamined to meet the Jewish future: an Obama-Netanyahu confrontation

The Jewish past is being reexamined to meet the Jewish future: an Obama-Netanyahu confrontation In the Jewish past, the Jews were considered by non-Jews as the subjects who should be gainfully used but kept spiritually suppressed – in the Jewish past, a Jew was successful in non-Jewish surroundings only if he followed the directives ofContinue reading “The Jewish past is being reexamined to meet the Jewish future: an Obama-Netanyahu confrontation”

Now Israel has only one option in securing its future with Palestinians and Iran

Palestinians have changed their negotiating strategy with Israel. They have finally understood that Israel would not agree on any “final solution” that may allow Palestinians, with collaboration of the new anti-Semites of the post-WWII world, to eliminate the Jewish nature of the State of Israel. Therefore they have begun to act unilaterally with the helpContinue reading “Now Israel has only one option in securing its future with Palestinians and Iran”

How to figure out what is the Putin’s world strategy

The article “Putin the Improviser” in Wall Street Journal is analyzing the attempts to figure out what is the Putin’s strategy in Ukraine – see at http://www.wsj.com/articles/putin-the-improviser-1424473405?mod=trending_now_2 The article describes this in the following way: “After this week’s devastating military setbacks for the Ukrainian government, Western observers are trying urgently to get inside the headContinue reading “How to figure out what is the Putin’s world strategy”

Spiritual friends USA and Israel – spiritual adversaries Obama and Netanyahu

A most common conclusion in public discussions on USA vs. Israel and Obama vs. Netanyahu can be described as: USA is friendly with Israel since Israel is a great strategic asset for USA in the Middle East Obama is unfriendly with Netanyahu since Netanyahu is not supporting Obama’s peace-making Middle-East strategies. Yes, that is true.Continue reading “Spiritual friends USA and Israel – spiritual adversaries Obama and Netanyahu”