
Trump-ists as defenders of Western Judeo-Christian civilization and Obam/Biden-ists as builders of Islami-Marxist world 

Just facts: Moral fundamentals of Islami-Marxist world are incompatible with moral fundamentals of Western Judeo-Christian civilization. 

These TWO Questions Perfectly Sum Up Difference Between People of Islam and People of Judeo-Christian Virtues.

Key fundamentals of Western Judeo-Christian civilization: 

Clipart - Ten Commandments

  • People are created in the image of invisible God with His clearly visible characteristics described in the Torah/Bible: He is unique being, He is Creator of everything Himself or through the people, and He is open-mindedly judging own deeds.  
  • Applied to human individuals and their communities, that means all human individuals and their communities/nations should be unique in their own ways, should be creators in their own ways, and should open-mindedly judge the deeds of themselves and others. Therefore, more of the national wealth generated should be managed directly or indirectly by individuals and their communities.     

Key fundamentals of Islami-Marxist world: 

Islamic terrorists behead more than 50 men, women and children on ...

  • People are created with evil inclinations and their supreme leaders must suppress people’s devilish behavior with mandatory laws and police/military when needed.  
  • Applied to human individuals and their communities/nations, that means individuals and nations must live in a unified way designed and enforced by the supreme leaders (and that is modern slavery). Therefore, all national wealth generated must be managed directly or indirectly by the supreme leaders (the government). 

Governing by the key fundamentals of Western Judeo-Christian civilization, Trump and his associates have maintained America that had  

  • No major foreign wars 
  • Low-level inflation 
  • Enlighten achievement-based education 
  • Energy independence and low energy cost 
  • Almighty industrial infrastructure 
  • Lower taxation and less regulations   
  • Free market solutions for many national challenges 
  • Majority unequal wealth-wise but wealthier  
  • ‘God Bless America’ and Judeo-Christian governing morality. 

Following the key fundamentals of Islami-Marxist world, Obama/Biden, and their associates build America with: 

  • Major wars – Russia against Ukraine and Islamists against Israel 
  • High-level inflation 
  • Depressing sin-based education 
  • Energy dependence on our rivals and excessive cost of energy and all consumer goods 
  • Industrial infrastructure moving out of country  
  • Higher taxation and more regulations 
  • Monopolized, and therefore much more expensive, government solutions for many national challenges  
  • Majority more equal wealth-wise but poorer 
  • Anti-Judeo-Christian governing morality and no God in America’s government. 


Interesting factual observation: Governing by the key fundamentals of Western Judeo-Christian civilization does not makes the governors wealthier (Trump as an example) while Governing by the fundamentals of Islami-Marxist world makes the governors much wealthier (Obama and Biden as examples)!


More information on the topic could be found in the post published earlier at: 

No propaganda, just facts about the two visions of America – Obama’s and Trump’s – Intellectual Judaism – it is about Judeo-Christian morality of the Nation! (intellectual0judaism0really.com) 

Some related thoughts by Dr. Robert Jeffress

“In 1980, the Supreme Court case of Stone vs. Graham dealt with displays of the 10 Commandments that had been posted in Kentucky schools. The Supreme Court determined that such posting was unconstitutional and that it violated the so-called separation of church and state.
How did they come up with that reasoning? The Supreme Court said, “If the posted copies of the 10 Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the school children to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey the Commandments. This is not a permissible state objective under the establishment clause of the First Amendment.”
Can you believe that? We can’t post the 10 Commandments because if we do, the children might actually read them. And if they read the Commandments, God forbid they might obey them!
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that on December 1, 1997, in a Kentucky school, when a group of 12 students gathered together before school to pray, a 14-year-old who had obtained a handgun went up to those students and opened fire on them, killing three and seriously wounding five. And it all happened where, 17 years earlier, the Supreme Court said: You cannot post the words “Thou shalt not murder.”
In Hosea 4:6, God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” We are reaping the consequence of forgetting God’s most basic laws. The increasing number of school shootings, the gender confusion among boys and girls, the drug addictions, and immorality are not accidental.
You cannot ignore the laws of God without terrible consequences. And that’s why today, in a culture where we call good evil and evil good, it is time for a fresh look at the 10 Commandments”.


Russification of American political system 

US Congress - Capitol Building at Capitol Hill in Washington DC, United ...Photo Tour and Info of the Moscow Kremlin

Is it true that American political system has begun looking like Russia’s one? Let’s consider the facts.

Russia has a multi-party-political system. 

But only one of the parties, United Russia, is the ruling almighty power. All other parties, such as Communist or Liberal Democratic Parties, are in existence as a cover-up for the totalitarian regime and are paid well by regime for playing well. The other parties are not competing with the ruling party – they are helping the ruling party to preserve its almighty power.  

That is Russia’s “our democracy” of totalitarian nature without individual freedoms. All who are fighting against totalitarianism are severely punished.  

After demise of a totalitarian Russia in 1991, Russians tested the freedom-based democracy for about 20 years and rejected it.  

That is the entire Russian history – Russian majority, unlike the majorities in the nations of Western Civilization, fear personal responsibilities for own wellbeing and prefer trading of their freedoms for the total government care.  

Like Soviet one, Putin system can’t be reformed, only destroyed and ...

America has a multi-party-political system as well.  

Democrat and Republican parties are fighting for their own vision of America’s future. 

The core political idea of Republicans is that America is Judeo-Christian nation, and the government must legislate by Judeo-Christian morality. The core idea of Democrats is different – the government legislative principles are the fair redistribution of national wealth and leaving Judeo-Christian morality only for the Churches.  

With different governing principles, there is something that all Democratic leaders and most of the Republican leaders have agreed, and that is that the government should be almighty to work effectively.

However, the idea of almighty government is hostile to majority’s belief in individual freedoms and limited government.

Pilgrims departing on Mayflower   

For some time, the government has been able to camouflage its almightiness, but 2016 elections made it evident. In 2016 Donald J Trump was elected American President.  

For the first time America elected a political outsider who came to power to dismantle the corrupted almighty political system and return power back to the people as he promised.

Opinion: A Modest Proposal for Honoring The Casualties of Trump's Trade ... 

And almighty leaders of both political parties were united to preserve their almighty power over us the people.  

The Facts 

Trump was elected American President in 2016 by ordinary American citizens overcoming the resistance of the entire Democrat Party and most of Republican leaders.

Congress doesn't love the spending bill, but it passed anyway

In the first hour after Trump’s victory was verified, a war to overthrow him now and prevent his reelection in the future had begun.

Impeachment hearings: Look out for moments equal to those of Watergate ...

Though non-constitutional and non-elected, the fourth branch of the government (that is government almighty bureaucratic entities) became anti-Trump warriors. They have done it to preserve their power and wellbeing – they knew Trump will eliminate many of their well-paid jobs.   

The FBI began concocting the “evidence;” DOJ began legally blessing the “evidence;” monopolized news-media began brainwashing the population on the unquestionable truth of “evidence.”  

FBI SealMembers – Government Association of NationFuture of news media: 10 takeaways from Media Rumble | Deccan Herald

Attorney General Merrick Garland confirms that the Fourth Branch of Government, although unelected and unconstitutional, is the America’s almighty ruling power: https://www.msn.com/…/us-attorney-general…/ar-AA1h02cq

Naturally, Congressional Democrats supported all that – their almighty power was in danger.

What was unexpected by many that Congressional Republicans (not all but many) joined the Democrats – it became obvious that they also value their almighty power over citizens’ freedoms. 

  • They did nothing to stop the impeachment procedures from the very beginning as unconstitutional. Trump was elected by the people and therefore might be deposed only by the people, not through corrupted judicial manipulations.  
  • They were just taking a lot about their constitutional duties and responsibilities but did nothing to use their defunding power to stop unconstitutional insurgency against the President elected by the overwhelming majority.  
  • They are doing nothing to stop unconstitutional criminalization of past Trump’s presidential actions to prevent him from being considered by the people as American President for the second term.  
  • They do not like Republican presidential contenders such as Ramaswamy or DeSantis who realized that America’s rehabilitation demands dethroning the almighty federal government – they prefer somebody like Haley who will support the almighty two-party government. 

Thus, both American political parties are united – Democrat leaders wholeheartedly and Republican leaders with some reservations – in their actions to preserve and strengthen the almighty federal government and to deprive us the people from individual freedoms.  

And that is Russification of American political system.


Difference between God and Religion is crucial in politics.

All is changing: Jews, Rabbis, Torah, God … | Vladimir Minkov | The Blogs

Religions clipart 20 free Cliparts | Download images on Clipground 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy, one of the 2024 presidential candidates, explained it well when asked why he as a Hindu thinks he would be a good president for Judeo-Christian America: 

  • God is One for all peoples and all religions. Therefore, there is one set of unifying morals all nations and communities should live by. In America, this set of national morals is called Judeo-Christian, and he as a Hindu lives in America by Judeo-Christian morals and work to strengthen them. These morals are what is called individual freedoms and true democracy.  
  • Religions, and their denominations, are numerous, and they are different for different nations and communities. Religions have been tailoring One-God morals to the history and living conditions of different nations and communities.  

Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m Hindu but share ‘same values’ as Christians.  

What are these values?    

“Judeo-Christian morals” are a set of ethical and moral principles that are associated with the religious and cultural traditions of Judaism and Christianity. These two faith traditions share certain foundational beliefs and values, and these beliefs have had a crucial influence on the development of moral and ethical principles of Western societies.  

Here are some key aspects of Judeo-Christian morals: 

  • Belief in the existence of one God with His guidance for moral and ethical behavior for all.  
  • Moral and ethical guidelines specified in the Torah/Bible. 
  • Inherent dignity and worth of every human being.  
  • Importance of compassion, charity, and helping those in need.  
  • Equal justice and fairness for all – treating others as you would like to be treated (the Golden Rule) is a fundamental ethical principle. 
  • Importance of strong families and communities.  
  • Personal Responsibility.  
  • And especially important for politics, applying simultaneously these morals for building a better future in the Heavens and here on the Earth as was envisioned by our Founders and enshrined in the Constitution. 

A nation is in trouble when religious or/and political leaders disconnect the Heavens and the Earth and begin creating there a better future separately using different sets of morals for the Heavens (religious leaders) and the Earth (political leaders).

It looks like that is what we have come to in America (and Israel, and in some nations of Western Europe).  

In America, the church and synagogue attendance are down, and mistrust of politics is up. 

What to do? – As the first step, it would be particularly useful for religious and political leaders to get together and begin designing a joint approach for building a better life for everybody in the Heavens and on the Earth jointly and at the same time.  

First Prayer in Congress – Revival Fires

Final note: 

Religions might be weakening but not the trust in God and His moral guidance: 

Our retreat from Christianity doesn’t mean we’ve lost our sense of morality (msn.com) 


Judeo-Cristian morals – the roots of America’s strength and wellbeing

“Judeo-Christian morals” are a set of ethical and moral principles that are commonly associated with the religious and cultural traditions of Judaism and Christianity. These two faith traditions share certain foundational beliefs and values, and these beliefs have had a significant influence on the development of moral and ethical principles in Western societies. Here are some key aspects of Judeo-Christian morals:

  1. Monotheism: Both Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic religions, which means they believe in the existence of one God. This belief in a single, all-powerful deity has implications for moral and ethical behavior, as it often emphasizes the worship of and obedience to this one God.
  2. Moral Codes: Both traditions have provided moral and ethical guidelines in the form of religious texts. For Judaism, the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) contains commandments and laws that outline proper conduct. Christianity, while also drawing on the Hebrew Bible, includes the teachings of Jesus Christ found in the New Testament, which include the Sermon on the Mount and other moral teachings.
  3. Human Dignity: Judeo-Christian morals generally uphold the inherent dignity and worth of every human being. This belief in the sanctity of human life can influence moral stances on issues like abortion, euthanasia, and the treatment of prisoners.
  4. Compassion and Charity: Both traditions emphasize the importance of compassion, charity, and helping those in need. The concepts of loving one’s neighbor and caring for the poor and vulnerable are central to Judeo-Christian ethics.
  5. Justice and Fairness: Concepts of justice and fairness are often integral to Judeo-Christian morals. The idea of treating others as you would like to be treated (the Golden Rule) is a fundamental ethical principle in both traditions.
  6. Family and Community Values: Judeo-Christian morals often emphasize the importance of strong families and communities. Marriage, fidelity, and the nurturing of children are considered important moral duties.
  7. Personal Responsibility: Both traditions stress personal responsibility for one’s actions and the idea that individuals will be held accountable for their deeds, either in this life or in the afterlife.



American civil war nowadays: warriors of modern welfare slavery vs defenders of traditional freedoms

This title – American civil war nowadays: warriors of modern welfare slavery vs defenders of traditional freedoms – might be confusing for some.  

For those who are confused by the title:  

Defenders of traditional freedoms are those who live by God-guided Judeo-Christian virtues while warriors of modern slavery are those who believe that the people are not able to live by Judeo-Christian virtues and therefor Almighty Government should design and enforce new uniformed virtues. And that is modern welfare slavery (enslaving means increasing control of someone’s actions, thoughts, emotions, or life completely). 

What is the weaponry of warriors of modern slavery? – It is a totalitarian-government architecture. Therefore, for defenders of traditional freedoms to win, this architecture must be dismantled.  

It looks like, so far only Trump and Ramaswamy among the presidential contenders understand this. 

Trump open to Vivek Ramaswamy as vice president

Totalitarian-government architecture consists of numerous entities creating new regulations for all aspects of human life.  

Just click on A-Z index of U.S. government departments and agencies | USAGov 

If you are a person with a typical brain, you will be shocked: it looks like the federal government bureaucratic entities are more numerous than stars in the sky.  

[72+] Stars In The Sky Wallpaper on WallpaperSafari

And all government entities have the duty to find something in citizen’s behavior to restrict and regulate.  

The ever-increasing controls lead not only to curtailing individual freedoms but also to reducing economic wellbeing of ordinary citizens because control’s expenses are included in the cost of everything we buy.  

To justify ever-increasing controls, the government concocts national crises such as climate crisis, crime crisis, energy crisis, race-relations crisis, equality crisis, family crisis, health-care crisis, poverty crisis, and much-much more.  

All those national crises are indeed concocted – they are not national and not crises at all. 

Articles About Crisis Management : 4 ข้อดีของ Crisis Management ดับไฟ ...

Climate crisis 

Climate has been changing from the very beginning of known earth history, being influenced by natural processes inside and outside the Earth. Humans have been adjusting to the change by relocating to more friendly places and by advanced developments that let live a normal life in harsher climate conditions.

Government’s competition with Nature, of course using the people’s money, empowers the government itself and diminishes people’s ability to adjust to climate change by buying better homes, better HVAC, better clothing, better cars, etc.

We have to get our money back to adjust to climate change on our own. How to get back our money? – By voting for those who pledge to dismantle federal-government entities that are managing the climate crisis and return saved money to citizens.  

Saudi Arabia is doing something like that: 

Saudi Arabia plans 100-mile-long mirrored skyscraper megacity | Saudi Arabia | The Guardian 

Saudi Arabia’s shining beacons of prosperity | World Finance

Crime crisis 

Crime was among humans from the very beginning as well, and it has never been a national crisis.

What is crime was defined locally, and crime was fought locally.  Federal intervention cannot change that, and Chicago is an illustration of it.

North and South Chicago have completely different traditional definitions of what crime is. Chicago citizens in South and North fight crime by different definitions. The government spends a lot of money to change it with no avail.

What to do? – Dismantle federal-government entities that are managing the crime crisis and return saved money to citizens and local authorities to fight crime locally.  

Here are some real consequences of government’s fight with the crime crisis: 

Illinois Tops List of States Americans Fled in 2022: Report | The Epoch Times 

Wyoming Mayor Says ‘Third-World Stuff’ Happening in City Overrun With Homeless People: Report | The Epoch Times 


Equality has been respected in Judeo-Christian America from the very beginning – equality of opportunities ‘in the image and likeness of God.’

But warriors of modern welfare slavery have replaced the equality of opportunities with equality of results provided by government forceful redistribution of wealth.

Such forceful redistribution is a prescription for disaster. Why? – Because it replaces the incentives to work hard by incentives to violently demand more freebies.  If we continue going this way, soon will be nothing to redistribute.

What to do? – Dismantle federal-government entities that are managing the equality crisis and return saved money to the people who themselves will help those who are in real need. 

Just one illustrative example: 

U.S. settles with Black Lives Matter protesters violently cleared from White House park | Reuters 

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Health care 

The same story – health care federal-government entities working for forceful redistribution of wealth from the people to the monopolies.

Just one illustrative example: 

(5286) Are drug regulators for hire? – YouTube 

A health worker fills a syringe with a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in a file image. (Emmi Korhonen/Lehtikuva/AFP via Getty Images)

Readers may assess on their own the harm to Judeo-Christian America gone by the federal government fighting other national crises such as Race-relations crisis, Energy crisis, Family crisis, Poverty crisis … 

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